Accelerate development and commercialization of

solid state fusion

through awareness, education, and community building.

Photo: courtesy of eLBRUS lab

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Thomas Grimshaw: LENR Advocacy for a Global Climate Change Solution

What is Solid State Fusion?

Solid-State Fusion is a set of nuclear reactions at the quantum scale that aims to produce clean, safe, abundant energy.
Photo: courtesy of eLBRUS lab

Planet Earth's 4 Core Challenges

Today, Earth faces 4 Core Challenges that need to be addressed.
  • ONE

    One: Climate Disruption

    Arising from high-greenhouse-gas-emitting energy sources continues to generate catastrophic disasters.

    Environmental Pollution

    Arising from dirty energy sources continues to sicken and kill, especially in poorer countries and neighborhoods.

    Energy Security

    Energy continues to become a vulnerability in war-time situations such as the current situation in Ukraine.

    Economic Sustainability

    Periodically stalls and, even on growth paths, continues to result in unequal wealth distributions. For example, global south countries find it difficult to escape their poverty trap.

Why Solid State Fusion?

Reason #1

Compared to other methods, Solid State Fusion (SSF) has the potential to address all 4 of Earth's Core Challenges.

Fossil Fuels

Climate Disruption
Environmental Polution
Energy Security
Economic Sustainability

Renewable Energy

Climate Disruption
Environmental Polution
Energy Security
Economic Sustainability

Solid State Fusion

Climate Disruption
Environmental Polution
Energy Security
Economic Sustainability

Reason #2

Solid State Fusion may fall within the valley of stability of isotopes. Fusion moves isotopes uphill, up and right, whereas Fission moves them down and/or left. Solid State Fusion should be moving up and right.

Who We Need

In order for Solid State Fusion to be further explored, funded, and known.
Graduate & PhD Students
Career Scientists
Investors & Philanthropists
Journalists & Media
Solid State Fusion requires new and curious talent to participate in the field. Whether that's focusing on individual studies, participating in research, or being a voice in the community, we need your efforts and voices.
Solid State Fusion needs career scientists established in the field to refocus your work on promising studies and use your existing resources and network to influence.
Solid State Fusion needs investors and philanthropists to understand the opportunity and contribute capital to research projects at universities and start-ups to drive research and development to make solid state fusion a reality.
Solid State Fusion needs journalists and media platforms to be aware of the facts and current developments in the field to promote solid state fusion regularly to the mainstream. In order for this field to be accessible, we need accurate and positive press from media partners.

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Photo: courtesy of eLBRUS lab

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©2024 | Solid State Fusion | A Project By Anthropocene Institute